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A Man’s Guide: What NOT To Get Her for Valentine’s Day (Pt.2)

A Man’s Guide: What NOT To Get Her for Valentine’s Day (Pt.2)

So guys! This one’s for you. We know you’re down to the wire trying to pick the perfect gift for the love of your life. Valentine’s Day is just two days away and the clock is ticking buddy! Let me just tell you, this…

Women love Valentine’s Day

…so please don’t underestimate the hints she dropped as you were dropping her to work all week or the snide remarks she made as you watched that Zales or “every kiss begins with Kay” commercial. In fact, if you forgot to send that gorgeous arrangement to her workplace today, please continue reading so you wont push yourself farther in the dog house.

Here’s what TO NOT get her for Valentine’s Day

  1. Perfume set – this instantly reminds me of my lovely grandmother (Lord bless her heart) who literally hoards those over sized boxes filled with a complete set of lotion, perfume and body wash. Nice it might be, but not for your girl. It’s so impersonal, cliche and just…lazy!
  2. Household items/supplies – Sure my kitchen counter can use a new toaster and my couch can use some new throw pillows…but what about me? Happy Valentine’s Day to the kitchen and couch, but what about me? As mentioned, women love Valentine’s Day and while every house could use a ‘lil sprucing up, don’t use V-Day to do it. That’s buy ativan 2.5 mg doses what the storewide sale at Kelly’s was for during Christmas.
  3. Gift certificate – Really? Really?! C’mon man,  a little more effort, a little more love goes a long way! Like our friend the perfume set, this “gift” really lacks creativity and comes off as a last minute thought. Gift certificates say, “I don’t know what to get you, I ain’t thinking too hard about it, I haven’t listened to anything you’ve said since Christmas…buy something nice for yourself!” Nah…come again!
  4. A Card – If it’s accompanying a nice gift then fine. Or if when she opens it money (ahem) drops out, even tickets for a trip for two! But a card, solo, is a no go! Besides, they’re so impersonal and generic. If you do get her a card (to accompany the gift of course), get a blank one and write your own message inside! Trust me, you’ll score major points!

Guys, Valentine’s Day could be an easy win for you, if you just take the time to think about and listen to what your woman says…and yes, what she doesn’t say sometimes. Pay attention to her, listen to what she says, take a keen interest in the things she points out, but above all else…

Don’t get dumped! Happy shopping!

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