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Battle of the Bands Champions Take Talents to Thailand Competition

Battle of the Bands Champions Take Talents to Thailand Competition

Bahamian rock band Avante Guarden has gone global and only has eight minutes to impress the world.

Fresh off of their win at last year’s Battle of the Bands Competition, the five-member band jetted off to Thailand this week where they will compete in the Global Battle of the Bands (GBOB) competition in Chiang Mai, Thailand also known as the “City of Music” on February 8.

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The band will compete against 17 groups for a chance to win a $100,000 band development package, a chance to go on a world tour and a special gold “Best Band in the World” statuette.

Competition rules forbid song covers and the bands have to perform original pieces live in several judging rounds.

Avante Guarden guitarist, Vallon Thompson, who is also one of the principal songwriters in the group, order soma generic and brand said he is excited about the competition, but admitted he has “some butterflies.” He explained the group’s strategy to win the competition.

“We took a lot of time to refine our show. We’re doing something completely different than we did here because we want to be new and innovative,” he said.

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“We have eight minutes to impress the world. No pressure, huh? But, they’re going to take one look at us and we’re going to stand out.”

Fans have an opportunity to see Avante Guarden take the stage on Saturday. The band’s performance will be streamed live on . There is a 12-hour time difference between The Bahamas and Thailand so the competition will start at 6:00 a.m. (local time) Saturday.

 Wake up and cheer on Team Bahamas! 

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