It’s goes without saying, but the Hilton’s Bullion Bar’s Saturday in the City was an epic success (powered by eLIFE 242 Magazine & Martini and Rossi)! It was staged at the exclusive Bullion Bar in The Hilton this past Saturday. Streams of black and white balloons were everywhere and accents of silver emphasized the sleek, sophisticated ambiance of Bullion. Adding to the beauty of the room were the lovely “Saturday in The City” ladies donned in white and silver, greeting guests at the door.
Martini glasses in hand, guests lounged in plush couches, laughing and socializing as waiters and waitresses served a plethora of hors d’oeuvres ranging from polentas to sushi. The sushi was fabulous, and besides the event itself, the highlight of the night. Guests indulged in salmon and California rolls, which were the favored two among the wide variety of options.
When guests weren’t eating or drinking, some danced, as the DJ (Daddi Renzi) catered to everyone’s tastes bumping classic and contemporary tunes. The locals weren’t the only ones to get in on the hype at Bullion. Hotel guests and other visitors decided to get a taste of that classic, sophisticated, Bahamian flavor and most admitted it was the best event they attended all weekend and a perfect fusion of a dance-club, restaurant , and lounge !
“In there is amazing!We had a lot of fun man! We wish this wasn’t our last night here [in Nassau]”, exclaimed New York native, Anthony.
Saturdays in the City definitely had a posh, glamorous atmosphere but didn’t abandon the fresh and funky appeal that made it exciting. If you weren’t able to attend, believe us, you missed out on a lot! Luckily, Saturdays in the City is an every- weekend event hosted by The Bullion and powered by e-LIFE 242. So next weekend, make sure you’re at the hottest event of the summer!
Words by Shani P | Images eLIFE 242 Photographers | Bullion on Facebook Click Here

Makailan is a Bahamian Cultural Enthusiast who prides himself on being tuned to the pulse of the local music, art, fashion and cultural scene in the 242. His love of all things Bahamian drives him to always seek out the most talent amongst us.